
3CLIVE: Instruction to get FREE 100-DAY KEY for KIS2009

3CLIVE: Instruction to get FREE 100-DAY KEY for KIS2009
免費取得Kaspersky Internet Security 100天key

透過以下步驟取得kis key:

Instruction to get FREE 100-DAY KEY for KIS2009:
1. Go to [url=http://www.coverdisc.co.uk/cs256/kis/]http://www.coverdisc.co.uk/cs256/kis/[/url] and enter in all the personal data and click 'Submit'.
2. You will be asking to enter in some word that contain in Computer Shopper magazine.
3. Don't worry, you no need to buy Computer Shopper magazine. I will giving all of you some hint that need to key in.
Please enter the first word of the first step key - Enter: GO
Please enter the first word of the third step key - Enter: THE
Please enter the third word of fifth step key - Enter: JOB
Please enter the fifth word of the third step key - Enter: YOU
Please enter the third word of the second step key - Enter: PERSONAL
Please enter the fifth word of the sixth step key - Enter: ACCOUNT
Please enter the first word of the fourth step key - Enter: YOU
Please enter the fourth word of the fifth step key - Enter: IS
Please enter the third word of the third step key - Enter: SCREEN

You can refresh the webpage if can't get the correct hint ( till can key in the keyword ) and click 'Submit'.
